When you think about at home care, there’s a good chance you picture caregivers and companions assisting the elderly with everyday tasks. However, short-term care can actually be used by patients of all ages to help them when they are unable to do the things they usually can. From doing laundry to performing basic cleaning tasks to preparing meals and providing transportation, our caregivers and companions can provide short-term care in a variety of situations, including:
If you or a loved one suffers an injury, you may not be able to accomplish everything you need for yourself. Maybe you broke your collarbone and are stuck in a sling for weeks, or perhaps you had a hip replacement that requires you to take it easy for months. Whatever the situation is, it is crucial that you follow your doctor’s instructions and don’t push yourself. With our short-term care service, you will still be able to have clean clothes, a well-kept home, and meals prepared.
Another crucial aspect of rehabilitation is proper physical therapy treatment. While we don’t offer in-home physical therapy, our caregivers and companions can drive you to and from your appointments as well as take you on walks to help your body recover correctly.
After major surgery, your doctor may expect you to be on bed rest until you are fully recovered— your doctor may say that if you over do it, you could hurt your incision. Our caregivers can complete the necessary chores around the house so that you can get the rest you need to take care of your body. This can include the basic cleaning and meal prep, as well as medication reminders (oftentimes there are several medications that need to be scheduled), coordinating follow-up appointments, and assisting with any personal care needs you may have.
Cancer treatment is brutal, time-consuming, and exhausting. It can make you extremely weak and nauseous, and unable to do much of anything. Our short-term care services will make the treatment process a little bit easier on you by taking care of the household chores so you don’t have to worry about them. Our caregivers will ensure you get the medication you need, when you need it, provide transportation to doctor’s appointments, and give you the general at home care you require in-between treatments.
Our short-term care is available for anyone who requires an extra set of hands around the home while they are dealing with a medical issue. It doesn’t matter what age the patient is, or how long at home care is needed, our caregivers and companions will be there every step of the way. Contact us today to find out what we can do for you.
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